
Losing a loved one to suicide can leave family and friends feeling alone and confused. Learn more about our Suicide Loss Support Group

COBYS Family Services at Palmyra Area Counseling Center
(717) 392-0504
Individual and family counseling available.

Compassionate Friends (Lebanon County Chapter)
(717) 274-2422
Support for family after the death of a child.

Fredericksburg Family Therapy & Counseling Center
(717) 865-0496
Assisting persons in relational, emotional, mental health, wholeness, and well-being across the lifespan, including grief and loss.

Highmark Caring Place
(717) 302-8401
A center for grieving children, adolescents, and their families.

Journey Through Grief Support Group
(717) 270-7672
Offers socialization, resources, and support for the bereaved.

Mourning Has Broken Grief Support Group
Contact Reverend Robin Morgan for more information at (717) 272-9933
An informal support group mostly talking about concerns about the grieving process.

Olivia’s House
(717) 699-1133
An organization of caregiving professionals and volunteers committed to supporting grieving children.

PA Counseling Services
Provides individual or group treatment for grief and loss.

PATHways Center for Grief & Loss
(717) 391-2413 or (717) 733-0699
Multiple support programs for adults and children run by Hospice of Lancaster County

WellSpan Philhaven
Survivors of Suicide Support Group
Call 717-274-3363 for additional information.
Support group for those who have attempted, and those who are affected by the suicide of a loved one.

Rainbow Connection
(717) 270-7672
Children’s activity club for children who are grieving the death of a family member or loved one.

T.W. Ponessa & Associates Counseling Services
(717) 273-5992
Treatment concerns addressed include grief and loss.

Wenger Marriage & Family Center
(717) 866-2271
Offering hope and healing for a variety of issues including grief and loss.


Lebanon County Crisis Intervention
(717) 274-3363

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline