
South Hills Park

South Hills is a local favorite. Walkers, joggers, and cyclists enjoy the trails; children love the wonderful playground, sand volleyball court, sand box, and other sports fields. It is a great location for large group celebrations. There are 8 pavilions with charcoal grills for rent.

South Hills es un favorito local. Los caminantes, corredores y ciclistas disfrutan de los senderos; a los niños les encanta el maravilloso parque infantil, la cancha de voleibol de arena, el arenero y otros campos deportivos. Es un gran lugar para celebraciones de grupos grandes. Se alquilan 8 pabellones con asadores de carbón.

1.5 Miles

Additional Resources

Park Website: http://twp.south-lebanon.pa.us/1237/South-Hills-Park

Directions to park (google maps): https://goo.gl/maps/XQW68obh7rQU4eWMA